27. Dezember 2016

~ ℳini drug store haul ~

Hallo meine lieben! Heute war ich in den Niederlanden zum Essens-Shoppen. Da ich nur eine Stunde entfernt von der Grenze wohne, lohnt sich das dann auch immer wieder. Zum Glück sind wir ziemlich früh los gefahren, dass noch alles leer war. Meistens ist dort alles von deutschen überfüllt, weil die alle die günstigen Lebensmittel einkaufen.
Anschließend sind mein Freund und ich noch in die Stadt gefahren um ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu besorgen. Da war ich dann bei Galeria Kaufhof und habe mir das Black Opium Parfum von Yves Saint Laurent gekauft, wozu ich auch noch eine kleine Review posten werde.
Wir sind danach noch zu DM gegangen, weil ich unbedingt einen Lippenstift von NYX haben wollte und es die Marke bei uns leider nur in der Innenstadt und nicht außerhalb der Innenstadt gibt. Leider ist es dann doch ein bisschen mehr geworden, weshalb ich euch den kleinen Haul vorstellen möchte und Abschminktücher habe ich leider auch vergessen...


matte mousse make-up
Farbe: 010 soft ivory
Preis: 4,95€ für 16g

Ganz oben auf dem Bild, könnt ihr das matte mousse Make-up von Catrice sehen! Ich benutze dieses Make-up momentan täglich! Es hält mit Primer den ganzen Tag, schmiert kein bisschen und verleiht meiner Haut einen schönen Ton! Ich finde es unnötig all zu viel Geld für Schminke auszugeben, wenn ich auch gute Qualität von günstigeren Firmen erhalte.

Smart Girl french nails
Preis: 9,95€

Die Fake-Nägel von Fing'rs habe ich schon öfters getestet. Ich bin eigentlich nämlich nicht so der Fake-Nails Fan, weshalb ich auch nie ins Nagelstudio gehe. Aber manchmal habe ich so Phasen, in denen ich einfach mal Lust habe mir die Nägel zu machen. Da diese Phase meist aber nur 1-2 Wochen hält, finde ich es eine Verschwendung so viel Geld und Zeit im Nagelstudio zu investieren. Zumal ich schon Komplimente für die Fake-Nails von Freunden erhalten habe. Daher greife ich auf die künstlichen Fingernägel von Fing'rs zurück!

In der Packung sind 28 verschiedene Nagelgrößen, ein Reinigungstüchlein, ein Nagelkleber (2g), eine Nagelpfeile und ein Manikürstab enthalten! Eine kleine Anleitung ist ebenfalls in der Packung dabei!
Wenn ich mir die Nägel mache, teste ich alle Größen und lege mir die, die ich benutzen möchte zurecht, damit ich nicht durcheinander komme.
Der Kleber hält eigentlich gut, aber nach einer Woche fällt dann meistens der erste Nagel ab. Es ist ärgerlich, weil man sie neu aufkleben muss, für mich aber nicht so schlimm, da ich sie ja eh nie lange auf den Nägeln haben möchte. Also ist es für ein Event, eine Party oder ein Wochenende ideal. Für Menschen, die gerne künstliche Nägel auf ihren Fingern tragen, ist es aber nicht geeignet. Da sollte man dann doch lieber einen Termin im Nagelstudio vereinbaren. 

Schoko Maske
Preis: 0,55€ für 15ml

Durch Zufall habe ich die Schaebens Schoko Maske entdeckt! Da ich Schokolade und Masken dieser Marke liebe, musste ich sie einfach mitnehmen! Ich bin schon echt gespannt, wie sie riecht und wie sie pflegt.
Das lustige ist: Schaebens verspricht, dass die Maske lecker schmeckt! Ob ich die mal probieren werde?

Präzisions Make-up Ei
Preis: 2,45€

Außerdem habe ich mir einen neuen beauty-blender gekauft, da mein alter nicht mehr schön aussah. Der günstige von der DM Eigenmarke reicht vollkommen aus! Damit erreiche ich auch alle Stellen unter meinen Augen! Der Scbwamm ist ziemlich weich und angenehm. Langsam zu reinigen ist der beauty-blender auch! Leider gab es das Präzisions-Ei nur in pink, mein letztes war in lila!

NYX matte lipstick
links: MLS09 Natural
rechts: MLS15 whipped caviar
Preis: 7,85€ pro Stück

Eigentlich wollte ich nur den whipped caviar Lippenstift kaufen, jedoch habe ich noch den Natural Lipstick gesehen und er sieht einfach sehr ähnlich aus. Natural ist einen Ton dunkler als whipped caviar. Weil beide Farben so schön sind, habe ich mich dazu entschieden beide mitzunehmen! Ich bin einfach ein Mädchen!
Die Lippenstifte von NYX halten ziemlich lange und trocknen meine Lippen auch nicht aus. Trotzdem ist es immer empfehlenswert vorher eine Lippenpflege aufzutragen!

Am Donnerstag fahre ich um 3 Uhr morgens mit meinem Freund nach München! Dort feiern wir mit seiner Schwester Silvester! Ich war noch nie dort und deswegen ist die Vorfreude groß! Ich werde meine Kamera mitnehmen und ein paar Fotos machen!
Wie feiert ihr euer Silvester? Schreibt es doch in die Kommentare
Mein nächster Post, wird wahrscheinlich auch erst nächstes Jahr erscheinen. 
Ich wünsche euch noch einen guten Rutsch in das neue Jahr 2017! :)

25. Dezember 2016

Pink Box December "let's celebrate" edition

MERRY CHRISTMAS! It's finally time! I hope you have a wonderful christmas with your family and I hope you got the presents you have wished for!
I celebrated christmas yesterday with my boyfriend and my family! We ate duck with dumplings, red cabbage and a like orange tasting gourmet gavy! I ate so much, I feel like I've gained 3 pounds (seriously, I would be very happy about it, lmao)!
Tell me in the comments how you celebrated christmas (if you do). :)

As I have told you in my last blogpost, I will write this blogpost in my mother language German, as it is a lot easier for me to describe things! I still don't know if I will write in German from now on forever, or if I should write in both languages! Furthermore I got a new camera by SONY for my birthday, yay! I still hope you'll take a look at the rest of this post.

Als ich von dem Motto, "let's celebrate" erfuhr, war ich wirklich sehr aufgeregt, weil ich mich gefragt habe welche weihnachtlichen Produkte wohl enthalten sein werden.
Vor ca. einer Woche kam sie dann endlich an. Ich habe letzten Monat wirklich die Tage abgezählt, weil ich mich so gefreut habe. (Eigentlich läuft das bei mir bei jeder neuen Box so ab, aber diesmal war die Vorfreude extrem)!
Ich packte die Box dann schließlich aus dem Paket aus und habe erstmal richtig über das Design gestaunt!
Ich finde dieses Design eignet sich super als Dekobox oder zum einpacken von Geschenken. Ich habe mich dann dazu entschieden, dass ich sie als Dekobox benutzen werde. Das Design ist mädchenhaft, aber trotzdem festlich, so als würde Barbie Weihnachten feiern. Mir gefällt es dennoch gut. Auf dem Deckel kann man viele goldene, schwarze, pinke und weiße Weihnachtsbäume sehen und der Hintergrund ist leicht rosa angehaucht. Auf der Mitte des Deckels steht das Motto "let's celebrate" Rundherum sieht man unendlich viele kleine Bäume in den selben Farben.

In der Dezember box waren die meisten Produkte klein, was mich aber nicht unbedingt gestört hat. In den vorherigen Boxen hatte ich jedoch immer größere Produkte gehabt. Auf dem Bild erkennt man, dass zwei von den Produkten Pröbchen sind. (Da gehe ich später noch drauf ein). Es ist jetzt aber wirklich das erste Mal gewesen, dass ich Proben erhalten habe und ich beziehe die Box seit Juli 2016. Also habe ich das Abo schon ein halbes Jahr und war bis jetzt nur einmal wirklich unzufrieden!

Außerdem kann man auf diesem Bild unten noch einen Gutschein für ein Fotoshooting von Studioline Photography im Wert von 39€ sehen! Ich finde, das macht den Erhalt von zwei Pröbchen wirklich wieder wett! Man kann auswählen zwischen einem Family, Kids, Beauty, Friends, Lovestory, Erotic, Men oder 9months shooting. Ich wollte schon immer ein Shooting mit meiner Mama machen, also finde ich ist es eine sehr gute Gelegenheit!

Litamin Private Spa -
JOY Duftöl-Pflegeschaumbad
Preis: 3,49€ für 400ml

Ich hatte schon Mal ein Pflegeschaumbad von Litamin in einer Box gehabt, ich glaube das war vor ungefähr 2 Monaten. Trotz allem hab ich mich sehr darüber gefreut, weil ich das andere Schaumbad echt toll fand!
Dieses Pflegeschaumbad mit Safran-Extrakt und Arganöl ist wirklich perfekt zum in der Badewanne verwöhnen lassen, einfach eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Ich habe es bereits benutzt! Es riecht wirklich anders, als andere Pflegeschaumbäder, die man in der Drogerie kaufen kann, wenn nicht sogar besser! Außerdem habe ich dieses Produkt auch noch nie in der Drogerie gesehen.

Trend it up N°1 nail polish
Farbe: 190
Preis: 1,25€ für 6ml

Ich liebe die Nagellacke von Trend it up! Am Anfang war ich zwar etwas enttäuscht, dass ich die in der Box hatte, weil man die ja auch bei DM kaufen kann. Ich bin dann aber in verschiedenen Dms gewesen und habe sie an keinem einzigen Trend it up counter gesehen! Hat jemand von euch denn diesen Lack entdeckt? Ich finde diese Farbe einfach wunderschön, weil es eine Mischung aus blau und lila ist und toll schimmert! An meinen Nägeln trocknet der Nagellack außerdem super schnell. Halten tut er dafür nicht solange. Dennoch sind Trend it up Nagellacke besser als die überteuerten Nagellacke von Essie... die gehen gar nicht, finde ich.

Hikari Cosmetics - lipstick
Farbe: Cabernet
Preis: 13,50€ für 1 Stück

Hikari Cosmetics kannte ich bisher noch nicht. Deswegen fand ich es gut, die Marke in der Box zu haben. Es geht ja auch darum neue Marken kennen zu lernen. Bisher kam ich leider noch nicht dazu den Lippenstift zu testen, ich habe noch so unendlich viele Lipsticks, dass es wohl auch noch eine Weile dauern wird, bis ich dazu komme ihn aufzutragen. Ich finde nur, dass er streng nach Wachs riecht. Pink Box verspricht jedoch, dass er gut deckt und lange hält. Na da bin ich mal gespannt!

MEXX - Look up now for her body lotion
Preis: 3,00€ für 50ml

Hier ist eins von den zwei Pröbchen, die ich in der Box hatte. Leider muss ich sagen, dass mich die Tatsache, dass es eine Bodylotion ist, mehr stört als der Fakt, dass es eine Probe ist! Ich glaube in jeder der 6 Boxen, habe ich bis jetzt immer eine Bodylotion gehabt. Aber ich muss sagen, dass mich die Bodylotion begeistert, denn sie riecht nach Sonnencreme und das finde ich in der kalten Winterzeit super, weil dies mir den Sommer ein kleines bisschen wieder bringt. Zudem lässt sich die Bodylotion sehr leicht verteilen und zieht mega schnell ein.

WELEDA - Mandel sensitiv Cremedusche,
Wohltuende Gesichtscreme & Pflegelotion
Preis: 1,25€ für 20ml
1,95€ für 20ml
2,95€ für 7ml 

Hier ist das andere Pröbchen. Dennoch sind es 3 kleine Artikel und wie ich finde, zählt es dann doch als ein großes Produkt! Die Pflegelotion finde ich jetzt nicht so gut durchdacht, weil ich ja schon die Bodylotion in der Box hatte. Doch die Gesichtscreme und die Pflegedusche kann ich gut gebrauchen! Das Design ist total niedlich und passt gut zur Pink Box.
Getestet habe ich die Produkte auch schon! Leider finde ich den Geruch nach Bio-Mandel echt fürchterlich. Trotzdem finde ich es toll, dass es sich hier um Naturkosmetik handelt!

Insgesamt fand ich die Dezember Box in Ordnung. Das Design ist stimmig und die Produkte passen allesamt auch gut zum Thema "let's celebrate". Ich hatte zwar zwei Proben und der Duft von Mandelöl gefiel mir zwar nicht, aber ich kann alle Produkte gebrauchen. Das Pflegeschaumbad und der Nagellack waren meine highlights!
Wie gefällt euch die Box? Bezieht ihr denn eine beauty box? Schreibt es mir doch in die Kommentare. :)
Ich hoffe ihr feiert noch schön mit euren Freunden und eurer Familie! Habt noch schöne Weihnachten!
Wir sehen uns dann im nächsten Post. <3 

21. November 2016

Pink Box November "Pop Art" edition 💄 💋

Hello my little diamonds!
I feel so sorry for abandon my blog, but my life was so stressful lately and I didn't have the time to take photos and to create a new post.
Furthermore I need a new camera for taking pictures, because I currently take them with my old mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy S3 neo) and it's frustrating. You know, I want to take artsy pictures and document my fashion and style, but it's not possible with a phone camera, bad lightning and ugliness lmao. I can't even take a decent selfie and I'm not satisfied with it. + I'm not sure if I should continue with writing in English or if I should start posting my blogposts in German. You know, it's way more easier for me to write in German, but I would lose you, my current readers and that's why it is a hard decision for me.
I will probably write my next post in German, just as a "test". I'm not sure at all. Probably another reason why I haven't written a post recently!

But I stop complaining since this blog is not about that. Now I will finally present you my new Pink Box that came in on last friday! :)
The motto was "Pop Art" and the design has totally fulfilled this theme! I'm literally obsessed with this design and I wish my job was graphic designer lol, just imagine you could do this all day long!
As it's a beauty box, the design has all the beauty supplies a girl needs. Nailpolish, Mascara, A lipstick and blush! Of course the main part of the box is pink, but look at it:

And here are the products!
I'm sorry, my phone camera is so bad!
I like the products in the box, but it doesn't have anything to do with pop art? I think if you do a theme, the products should match the theme, at least one product! But that's not the case in here....
The cool thing is, the value of the products is 60,58 € and I only pay 14,95 € a month, so that's a big deal!
SALTHOUSE - Dead Sea therapie body lotion
4,49€ for 250 ml 

Starting with the boring products lmao. This is a dead sea 
bodylotion. of couse it's moisturizing and is good for dry
and delicate skin! The lotion contains dead sea salt, several natural oils, Vitamin E and Q10 and Urea! I haven't tested it yet, but I definitely will in the future, when my other body lotions are empty!
RdeL Young -
Mono Eyeshadow, 1,49€ for 1 Piece
Nail Colour #13 sand francisco 1,39€ for 9 ml &
Powder Brush 2,99€ for 1 Piece

This were the products I'm not that satisfied with. I am just being honest, the items were very cheap and they look cheap as well. They remind me of the make-up I've used when I was 13 years old. But I have to say the eyeshadow has a cute colour and had a beautiful swatch on my arm! The nailpolish is just not my colour, as I prefer darker colours and I only use "high quality-graded" brushes.

DR. SEVERIN - Woman Body Aftershave balm
33,10 € for 200 ml

This was definitely my highlight in the box!
Not because of the expensive price, but I have heard good things about this aftershave and I definitely needed something I can use after shaving. I always get blemishes and dry skin and this was perfect!
I've tested it yesterday and I'm really surprised, it has a cooling effect and I didn't have any itchy skin!

MAX FACTOR - False Lash Velvet Volume Mascara
11,99€ for 13,1 ml 

 I was so glad about the mascara, as I don't buy expensive mascaras usually and my current one is almost empty!
I am so excited to see the results, because most of the time the mascaras don't curl my lashes properly (not even the expensive ones, that's why I buy cheap ones)
MAX FACTOR promises that the eyelashes look natural! The mascara even contains beeswax!

MERCI HANDY - Gel hand sanitiser
3,00 € for 30 ml

This was the only product which reminded me of the Pop Art design, because of the little glitter dots in the hand sanitiser!
And this was a perfect and totally cute idea, since we all need this in winter! When it's cold outside and everyone is coughing and sneezing!
I've tried it out and it smells so good oh my god! This will get empty real soon, I guess! 

Couch Magazine
2,40 € for 1 Piece  

 Last but not least, here is a Magazine, for designing and decorating your home! I don't really read magazines, all I do is looking at the pages and throw it into the bin lol! I'm way more into books :)

All in everything I was really satisfied with this box! It has a really high value for what I pay and I can  use almost everything in this edition! In fact it didn't have anything to do with "Pop Art" and the makeup in here was really cheap, but there were definitely some highlights I enjoy!
I can't wait for the next box, I imagine it more christmas-like!

Hope you enjoyed reading my post! I'm glad I've found the time to write on here again! 
See you in my next blogpost! <3 

4. September 2016

My face masks 💄👱

Hello my loves! It's really a shame that I haven't posted any updates on here for so long! I regret it, but I was so busy with work, friends and personal stuff that I couldn't write a new blogpost!
I hope you've missed me, because I definitely missed you a lot!

Today I will show you my colorful Face mask collection, that I keep in this cute little blue bowl. Some of them are already opened or used and other ones aren't even used at all!
Furthermore I will show you my favorite face masks too!

Many of you probably have more face masks and you're probably laughing at my small collection, but I don't use them for a long time! I think it has begun for about two or three months, I was just curious and wanted to do something good for my stressed out face, and then I've found those little helper.
How you can see, I have different masks. I've bought the most of them at my local drugstore (DM) and the both masks above, the blue ones, at Douglas.

On the bottom right, there is my Eyemask with hyluronan and cucumber extract, which should help against my dark circles.
Above these mask, there is my Hydro mask with Algae water extract, which was in my pink box August and I have used a part already. On the left of my Hydro mask, there is a vegan crememask with medicinal clay, which calms my stressed out skin and red palms The second from the left bottom, the yellow mask, contains Milk and Honey and calms my stressed out face skin too!

Now I will show you my Masks which I haven't used at all.

There are the eye mask and both of the Douglas masks there!
On the bottom left there is the Venus Aqua 24 eye patch mask and the Venus aqua 24 tissue mask
I haven't used any of those masks before,that's why I'm so excited to see the result!

Last but not least, I will show you my favourite masks!

I have used parts of those masks already. The mask above is the raspberry-Vanilla mask and the one on the right is the lavender-mousse mask. Both of them have a really nice scent and are calming me and my face so much!
The pink mask on the left is a peel-off-mask and removes all dead skin scales. And it also makes so much fun to peel-them off, haha!

I hope I could show you a small insight in my cute collection!
Which one of those masks would you use? Do you even use face masks?
Please write it down in the comments, because I'm interested in it!

I wish you a beautiful and sunny sunday, my little flowers


25. Juli 2016

Cleaning your brushes in 3 minutes

Hello guys! Have you noticed, that I changed the layout and the banner of my blog? Do you like it? Because I do! :)

~ We all know, that we have to clean our make up brushes once in a while, not only because they will be clean and pretty again, partly because dirty brushes cause skin blemishes like pimples, blackheads and even rashes!

But even when we know all these things, we are still to lazy to use extravagant soap or etc. to clean our so loved brushes, because we have to do "better things", but I have found the perfect solution!
My solution is not expensive and not elaborate.

I will show you how you can clean your makeup brushes within 3 minutes in today's blog entry!
This is also a little review..

The Product:
Ebelin Brush-cleaner
Price: 3,95€ for 100 ml

I've bought this brush-cleaner at my local drugstore (DM) because I wanted a fast and uncomplicated solution for cleaning my brushes!
And here it is, even the color and the design is pretty!
The application is super easy and super fast!

You just take your really or not so dirty makeup brush whether you use your brush for powder or liquid stuff.  (look how yellow my brush is from all that makeup powder.Yes it is a real technique brush and I love them with all my heart)

Spray the brush cleaner on your brush and wait a minute. After that take a face tissue or a cotton pad and clean your brush with that! The tissue or pad should look like my next picture:

 Oh my gosh! Surprise! Look how clean my powder brush is and how dirty my cotton pad! It really worked so good on this brush and it leaves it with a refreshing scent!
Now, I will show you the result with a brush for liquid stuff, like concealer or foundation! 

Ew, ew, ew! Look at this dirty foundation brush! But now it's going to be clean!
The result in my next picture! :) 
 I have to admit, it's way more harder to clean those kind of brushes with this brush cleaner, but it's still effective!
Look how nice it looks after cleaning!

I use this brush cleaner almost every day now and I will probably buy it again once it's empty.

How do you clean your brushes and which brush do you use the most?

Thank you for reading my blog! Ily all so much! <3

23. Juli 2016

Pink Box July 2016 💅✨

✨ Hey guys! Long time no blogpost, but now I have a special reason to post again, yay! :)
I've ordered my first pink box! For those who don't know anything about the pink box, here is a little explanation:

The Pink Box is a beauty box, where you will be surprised with 5 new beauty products every month. The Price is 14,95€ each month, but the products are always more expensive and come in with a cute package!
I'm so excited to present you about what's in my first box!

These are the products I've got and I like my first box very much, because it's a perfect box for this hot weather in summer!

Duschdas Body lotion Spray & Go with rockmelon and Jasmin scent
Price: 4,29€ for 190 ml

This product is so cool! At first glance I thought this was a deodorant, but this is a bodylotion you just spray on your skin. The scent is refreshing and it dries fastly!

Batiste dry-shampoo XXL Volume
Price: 4,99€ for 200 ml

I've read that many insider use the Batiste dry-shampoo and that's why I look forward to using this tomorrow! I always had bad experience in using dry-shampoo, because my hair were always oily after using it. So I really want to test this!

Zartgefühl Detox Face Cleansing Bar
Price: 3,95€ for 15 g

Never heard of this before, but I will use this today evening as my face care routine.
This Cleansing bar is perfect for stressed and sensitive skin and looks so cute.
The best thing is: Every bar is handmade and vegan!

Anatomicals Shower gel "you need a blooming shower!"
Price: 4,99€ for 250 ml

This is the Anatomicals shower gel and it's admired by beauty insider! I will use it tomorrow and I expect it to smell like flowers!

Aussie - Travel set
Price: 5,99€ for 3 x 75 ml

This is the last of the 5 products! The Aussie travel set contains a miracel moist hair shampoo, a miracle moist conditioner and a 3 minute miracle reconstructor. Many people say that the Aussie products are amazing, so I'm glad I can use this!

So this was my first pink box (July 2016), but there will arrive many more pink boxes the next months! Tell me if you have a beauty box and which one, I like to read comments :)

Have a nice day, lovelies!

18. Juni 2016

My ℬucketlist ♔

I have so many plans for my life, so many things I want to do before I die. Even though you are knowing that you will never fulfill some of your dreams, you just won't stop dreaming and that's why I choose to show you my bucketlist. Maybe you will find some of your goals too or you'll find some new inspirations for your life. Just enjoy and never stop dreaming, because that's why we won't get insane.

The crossed out things are already done. maybe i’ll continue the list in the future and present you my updates!
  • move out
  • move to a different city
  • move together with my boyfriend
  • go on vacation with my boyfriend
  • starting drivers licence
  • drive a car
  • get my drivers licence
  • buying a car
  • read more books
  • watch the walking dead
  • getting married
  • go to japan
  • go to a concert
  • Going to a music festival
  • go to tomorrowland
  • go on a road trip
  • go on an adventure with friends
  • going urban exploring
  • visit london
  • visit london again
  • visit california
  • visit hamburg
  • visit hamburg again
  • visit games of FC St. pauli
  • visit a match of FC St. Pauli at Millerntor Stadion
  • visit a comedy show
  • vist a show of Stefan Raab
  • make fun in front of a camera while a reporter is speaking
  • travel in a hot-air ballon
  • sleep in a car at the beach with my boyfriend
  • gaining 5kg or more weight
  • stand under a waterfall
  • climb mountains
  • meet Joko and Klaas (German comedians)
  • kissing outside during a beautiful sunset 
  • trying to learn surfing in california
  • find a message in a bottle
  • scream my secrets off the side of a cliff
  • throw my school papers of a cliff when i finished school forever
  • write a book and send it to a publishing house
  • being an actress in a movie
  • drive a go-kart
  • playing paintball
  • playing laser tag
  • get a job
  • not having psychosomatic anymore
  • swim in the ocean
  • swim in a lake while its raining
  • buying something from chanel or versace
  • laugh until your stomach hurts
  • walk through the city with a sign that says: free hugs
  • being rich as fuck
  • getting a A or B in a math exam
  • take a lot of good photos
  • buying a nice camera
What are the things in your bucketlist? write it down in the comments! ☺
Thank you for reading my blog posts, ilysm 💖

11. Juni 2016

My empties: May 2016 ❦

Hello lovelies! Long time no post! I know, June is already 11 days old, but I promised you to post my empties from May and here it is! Today I have four empties for you to present, the most of the products were amazing and worth the mention, but I was disappointed with the product I will start with:

Balea professional Glatt + Glanz Shampoo
(Balea professional straight + shine shampoo)
Price: 1,35€

As you can see in this picture, this shampoo should straighten your hair up to 36 hours and make them shine, but neither of it worked for my hair and I've used this shampoo every day tho. After washing my hair several times with this product, my hair were still very wavy as my natural hair are.
But still, there are positive things about this shampoo to say, it's very cheap and without silicons. Maybe you should try it out, because it works for your hair better than for mine. :)

Coconut care facial cleansing wipes
Price: don't know anymore!

I've bought this product in the netherlands and it was completely random, that's why I don't even know the price for the cleansing wipes anymore. I totally love this, because it softens my face and smells like coconut, I can totally recommend these! I'm only sad, because this contains only 25 of the cleansing swipes and I don't even know where I can buy them again, lmao!

Balea Deo Bodyspray golden Magic
Price: 0,85€

This is absolutely one of my favorite deodorants in the world! I don't like the design, because it looks some kind of retro, but that doesn't matter at all! The scent of this deo is like perfume and still lasts after a hard day at work. I can recommend this thing and would probably buy it again!

Manhattan eyebrow pencil
color: brow-nie 99W
Price: 1,65€

Sigh, guys! Yes, it's not empty, but almost! And I swear this is my all time favorite eyebrow pencil I've ever used! It's not expensive and lasts the whole day, even when the rest of my makeup is gone. The best thing is, the color is exact the same color as my eyebrows and hair, perfect right? I use this every day and need to buy the eyebrow pencil again, as soon as possible.

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post! I love to keep you updated about whats going on in my life and I try to give my best, although my vocabulary in English is reaaaally limited when it comes to writing, lmao!

In my next posts, I will inform you about my new perfume, my lipsticks and lipglosses and my day in general :) Have a nice day! 


28. Mai 2016

Beauty products I've bought but barely used 💅💄

Every girl has this guilty pleasure. We are buying products and we believe we will use them all the time, but after a month or two we realise all of our little goodys are dusty, because we've never or barely used them!

Now it's time for these products to shine and I will show you which products I didn't use much or didn't use at all. I still love some of the products even though I haven't used them, but I hate some of the products too, to be honest. I am warning you, this is going to be a veeery long blog post. :)

Balea "Golden shine" Bodylotion
Price: 1,95€ 

My mom gave this bodylotion to me, because she used it only one time and said that she didn't like it at all. I was surprised, but I still took this product and used it - only one time too! The bodylotion was very cheap and I like the design, because it's pink and golden.
But the bodylotion is a total flop for me and I will tell you why.
The bodylotion gives you a golden shimmer on your skin and it lasts very long even if you try to wash it off. I don't know, but I don't like it at all! Do you use this product or would like to use it?

Catrice eyeshadow
Color: 140 "The Captain Of The Black Pearl"
Price: 1,35€

I don't know why I don't use this super cute black glittery eyeshadow! But it's almost full. I guess I've bought it for my prom at school. I've tried to make smokey eyes for the first time and it looked really good, but afterwards I haven't used it anymore, because there was no event were I could wear smokey eyes. This eyeshadow is amazing, because you can blend it really well, it's very soft on your eyes and lasts the whole night!

Trend It Up "Double Volume & Shine" nailpolish
Color: 200 (dark purple)
Price: 2,25€

My stepmom bought this super cute nailpolish for me! It wasn't expensive and the color is very pretty, but I haven't put it on my nails tho. I like all of the trend it up nailpolishes, because the colors are so bright! But the nailpolish doesn't stay long on your nails, so watch out!

P2 "Rich Care + Color" for well-kepted nails
Color: 060 so cool
Price: 1,95€

That's a caring nailpolish for your nails, I've bought it, because of a mistake. The color was so beautiful like Ice blue and blended me from what it really is, haha!
I can't say that's this product is amazing... . I've used this nailpolish 2-3 times and my nails were really hard at first, but after a few days my nails weirdly peeled off. My nails were really damaged after using this product and I swear I don't recommend it, sorry!

Astor 24h perfect stay eyliner pen
Price: 5,99€

This eyeliner pen was quite expensive and I'm not even sure if I've used this wrong, but I can't handle this pen. When I draw lines on my eyes with it, everything turns out crooked and uneven. It kind of hurts too tho. I wouldn't recommend it to be honest. :(

Maybelline "super stay 24 bolde matte"
Color: 810 peach cocktail
Price: 5,95€

It's like a year ago, when I've bought this pink piece.
The Maybelline "super stay" lipgloss. Your put the pink gloss on your lips first and afterwards a long lasting gloss. And it stays 24 hours on your lips, even if you drink and eat. But the thing is, the color is too bright for my skin and that's why this lipgloss is almost full.

Alverde body butter with macadamia for very dry skin
Price: 2,95€

I loooove this body butter!
It's so weird that I don't use it much, but I have so many body butters and body lotions that I didn't come to use this precious thing! This body butter cares for my skin, makes it smooth and smells sooo sweet!

Maybelline blush
Color: 90  Coral Fever Master Heat
Price: 6,99€

This blush is so cute and rosy, I really like the color, it's such a shame I don't use this for my cheeks.
I think this blush was quite expensive, because there are way more blushes which were cheaper and better..
At first I even had to figure out how to open this box! But whatever, it gives my cheeks a rosy shine and lasts long!

Hope you had fun reading this post! Do you have some of these products at home? Will you buy some of these products? 
I will you present my Empties from May in my next post. :)
Hope you have a great day/night,
Goodbye lovelies!